
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

Money  Never Sleeps 

Michael Douglas, Shia LaBeouf and Carey Mulligan

On Thursday, I received a formal invitation from my parents to a dinner and movie night on Friday.  There was a list of movie options, those being Secretariat, Social Network, It's Kind of a Funny Story and Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps.  I have been wanting to see the Wall Street movie for a while, mostly because I enjoy movies with Shia LaBeouf and also because the story looked intriguing.  Turns out, I LOVED it.  

The movie basically tells the story of a New York couple,) named Jacob and Winnie (Shia LaBeouf and Carey Mulligan ) and Winnie's estranged father, Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas).  I don't want to give much away because I want YOU, yes YOU to watch this film.  

In the beginning, Gordon Gekko was being released from prison after an eight-year sentence for insider trading and some other illegal something I don't remember.  Just watch the movie.  Shia LaBeouf is a "Wall Street" guy and is, you could say, in the big-time money/stock business.  I mean, he's only in his mid to late twenties and already lives in a high rise in New York with expensive looking furniture, excellent views of the city and plentiful paychecks.  

I am kind of at a wall because I have absolutely NO idea how to write a movie review without giving anything away. SO..... I'll make my typical list.

men. white collar. snobs. subways. competition. game. bikes. GASP! love. kisses. rich. millions. cheating. louie. jail. broken promises. empty money clip. give back. return. challenge. confusion. happiness. cracker jacks. ring. fashionable. gaudy. lie. forgive. Dad. one mobile phone. desertion.  

I'm all out. 



Sometimes I wonder where life will take me. The beauty of it all is that you never know what is going to happen until it does. Sometimes I wonder what I'll accomplish in life...where I'll live...who I'll marry. Don't you ever wonder about these things? I've begun so many things this year. I have met so many people. I have learned so many things. I texted someone once saying how much I love school and their reply was," don't you wish you went to school all your life instead of being homeschooled?" here's what I thought but didn't say: you're just jealous because you didn't have the same experiences that I had... Maybe yours were different but heck...I wouldn't trade mine for the world.

Be grateful for what you have. Never regret an experience. Tell yourself that you can learn from your mistakes and appreciate our adventures... Maybe I would like more in my life but for now I happy with me.

I am who I am... Who are you?
