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Five Weeks of School, Stress, and Soccer (plus fun, family, and friends)

Dear Readers,

It has FOR SURE been a busy five weeks...this will continue for the next four years--then it's college.  But it is nice to know that I have made it through the first month of High School.  It is going really well; my classmates are nice and I like my teachers for the most part.  I have met and made friends with so many girls too. This was something I was really excited for in school.  Soccer is also going great--our first two/three? games were rough but oh well! our team is made up of awesomeness. (OH YEAH!)  We are currently 5-3-1 (Win-Loss-Tie)  We beat a team that our school team has not beat in seven, YES SEVEN, years! Big accomplishment I'd say.   

My sister has been posting "In and Out" posts on her blog so I'm going to copy (something I don't make a habit of doing, but she is my sister and all.)

~Whale Brothers
~A bit of stress
~"Give me ten Tim-bits!"

~Sleeping a lot
~Free-time (except weekends)

Enough about me,



I thought these were really interesting ways to portray an edible scene....How creative!